Install FS3

Install PostgreSQL Database


A PostgreSQL database is required to be pre-built for FS3 server usage. Check PostgreSQL Tutorial on installation and connection instructions.

Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

First, execute the following command to create the file repository configuration:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'

Second, import the repository signing key:

wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Third, update the package list:

sudo apt-get update

Finally, install the latest version of PostgreSQL:

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Connect to the PostgreSQL database server via psql

sudo -i -u postgres

Next, It’ll prompt for the password of the current user. You need to provide the password and hit the Enter keyboard.


You’ll access the postgres prompt like this:


To quit the PostgreSQL prompt, you run the following command:

postgres=# \q

This above command will bring you back to the postgres Linux command prompt.


To return to your regular system user, you execute the exit command like this:

postgres@ubuntu-dev:~$ exit

Create PostgreSQL Database

Create USER and PASSWORD as 'root'

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database fs3;                                                //create 'fs3' PostgreSQL database                                    
postgres=# create user root with encrypted password 'root';                    //create USER and PASSWORD as 'root'
postgres=# grant all privileges on database fs3 to root;                       //grant privileges
postgres=# \q                                                                  //logout postgres

Install From Source

Checkout source code

git clone
cd fs3
git checkout <release_branch>

Build the Source Code

Build UI

cd browser
npm install
npm run release

Install Filecoin dependency

sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget -y && sudo apt upgrade -

Install go module dependency

cd ..
git submodule update --init --recursive
make ffi

Build up Tables in Postgresql Database


Set up FS3 configuration

Set up and customize FS3 configuration by making modifications on .env file, which stores your information as environment variables. An example config is given as .env.example for reference.

vim .env

Please Modify the .env file based on your use cases:

  • SWAN_ADDRESS : The address of filswan platform, default as

  • FS3_VOLUME_ADDRESS : The address of FS3 VOLUME, default as ~/minio-data. If changed, the FS3 server start command has to be changed accordingly.

  • FS3_WALLET_ADDRESS : A wallet address is a must for sending deals to miner.

  • CAR_FILE_SIZE : A fixed car file size in bytes need to be predefined before generating car files for trunk via variable CarFileSize, such as 8589934592 for 8Gb as default.

  • IPFS_API_ADDRESS : An available ipfs address with port need to be set up. For example, https://MyIpfsUrl:Port.

  • IPFS_GATEWAY : An available ipfs address with port need to be set up for file downloading. For example, https://MyIpfsGatewayUrl:Port.

  • SWAN_TOKEN : A valid swan token is required for posting task on swan platform. It can be received after creating an account on Filswan. Check Filswan APIs for more details on how to get authorization token.

Build up FS3 server


Run a Standalone FS3 Server

Run the FS3 Server

./minio server ~/fs3-data

Access Key and Secret Key

The FS3 deployment starts using default root credentials minioadmin:minioadmin but you can change it with your own credentials.

Change your Access Key and Secret Key


If you change the credential, build up FS3 server again to make it take effect. Then re-run the fs3 server.

./minio server ~/fs3-data

Open FS3 Browser

You can test the deployment using the FS3 Browser, an embedded web-based object browser built into FS3 Server. Point a web browser running on the host machine to and log in with the root credentials. You can use the Browser to create buckets, upload objects, send deals, retrieve data and browse the contents of the FS3 server.

You can also connect using any S3-compatible tool, such as the FS3-mc commandline tool.

Last updated

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