git clone
cd go-computing-provider
git checkout v0.3.0
Then build the Computing provider follow the below steps:
make clean && make
make install
Update Configuration The computing provider's configuration sample locate in ./go-computing-provider/config.toml.sample
cp config.toml.sample config.toml
Edit the necessary configuration files according to your deployment requirements. These files may include settings for the computing-provider components, container runtime, Kubernetes, and other services.
Port = 8085 # The port number that the web server listens on
MultiAddress = "/ip4/<public_ip>/tcp/<port>" # The multiAddress for libp2p
Domain = "" # The domain name
RedisUrl = "redis://" # The redis server address
RedisPassword = "" # The redis server access password
CrtFile = "/YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_CRT_PATH/server.crt" # Your domain name SSL .crt file path
KeyFile = "/YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_KEY_PATH/server.key" # Your domain name SSL .key file path
ServerUrl = "" # The API address
AccessToken = "" # Lagrange access token, acquired from “ -> setting -> Access Tokens -> New token”
ApiKey = "" # Acquired from "" -> setting -> Create API Key
BucketName = "" # Acquired from "" -> bucket -> Add Bucket
Network = "polygon.mainnet" # polygon.mainnet for mainnet, polygon.mumbai for testnet
FileCachePath = "/tmp" # Cache directory of job data
ServerAddress = "" # The docker container image registry address, if only a single node, you can ignore
UserName = "" # The login username, if only a single node, you can ignore
Password = "" # The login password, if only a single node, you can ignore