Onchain storage allows users to upload files to the IPFS server and backup into the Filecoin network.
Setup Web3
First, set up web3 for the SDK. This can be done by including the private key and RPC URL when initializing the SDK
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
rpcUrl : process . env . RPC_URL ,
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
main ()
Alternatively, if your SDK is already initialized, you can call the setupWeb3
Copy await mcs .setupWeb3 ( process . env . PRIVATE_KEY , process . env . RPC_URL )
Upload Files
Upload file(s) to MCS using the MCS SDK
upload(filePath, options={duration:525, fileType:0})
You can use the upload function to upload a file to the Swan IPFS gateway.
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
const FILE_PATH = ''
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
//optional, showing default options
const OPTIONS = {
duration : 525 , // the number of days to store the file on the Filecoin network.
fileType : 0 , // set to 1 for nft metadata files. type 1 files will not show on the UI.
const uploadResponses = await mcs .upload ( FILE_PATH , OPTIONS )
console .log (uploadResponses)
main ()jav
options : an optional object can also be passed to specify certain parameters:
duration : Number of days to store your file on the Filecoin network. (default 525)
fileType : Files of type one will be hidden from the upload list and the UI. NFT metadata files are type 1. (default 0)
This function returns an array of the upload API responses.
Copy {
status : 'success' ,
data : {
source_file_upload_id : < ID >,
payload_cid: <'Qm...'>,
ipfs_url: <'https://ipfs.multichain.storage/ipfs/Qm...'>,
file_size: < FILE_SIZE >,
w_cid: < UNIQUE_CID >
status: < PAYMENT_STATUS >
Pay for data storage
Pay for storage on MCS
makePayment(sourceFileUploadId, fileSize)
After a file is uploaded, the file can be paid for by its source file upload id. The amount paid is estimated using the file size
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
const FILE_SIZE = ''
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
const tx = await mcs .makePayment ( SOURCE_FILE_UPLOAD_ID , FILE_SIZE )
console .log ( tx .transactionHash)
main ()
sourceFileUploadId : unique upload id of the file
fileSize : the size of the file
Returns a web3.js receipt object. In the example above, only the transaction hash from this object is printed.
Create NFT Collection
To create a new NFT Collection, you will need to provide some information about the collection, following the Opensea metadata standards.
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
name : '' ,
description : '' ,
image : '' ,
external_link : '' ,
seller_fee_basis_points : '' ,
fee_recipient : ''
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
const collection = await mcs .createCollection ( COLLECTION_DATA )
main ()
sourceFileUploadId : unique upload id of the file
fileSize : the size of the file
Copy {
name : 'test collection10' ,
image : 'https://ipfs.multichain.storage/ipfs/Qm...' ,
tx_hash : '0x...ed' ,
address : '0x...29'
List NFT Collections
List all your created NFT collections
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
const collections = await mcs .getCollections ()
console .log (collections)
main ()
Copy {
status : 'success' ,
data : [
id : 7 ,
address : '0x511765576a051a2ce002e70fc73d71d787d3378e' ,
wallet_id : null ,
name : 'Swan NFT Collection' ,
description : null ,
image_url : 'https://calibration-ipfs.filswan.com/ipfs/QmXK2TecdDiAEWEm9aERwQ4f6vfaQWrRReQj1k6km3dK77?filename=SwanLogo.jpeg' ,
external_link : null ,
seller_fee : null ,
wallet_id_recipient : null ,
tx_hash : null ,
create_at : 1675178532 ,
update_at : 1675178532 ,
wallet_recipient : '' ,
is_default : true
} ,
Mint Assets as NFTs
Mint NFT to MCS Opensea Collection
mintAsset(sourceFileUploadId, nftObject, collectionAddress=undefined, receipient=<your_address>, quantity=1)
The following code example mints an uploaded file as a NFT viewable on Opensea. Create an NFT object and provide the source file upload id of the file. The NFT object follows the Opensea metadata standards .
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
async function main () {
const NFT = {
name : '' ,
description : '' ,
image : ''
collection_address = undefined
const NFT_DESCRIPTION = '' // optional
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
const mintTx = await mcs .mintAsset ( SOURCE_FILE_UPLOAD_ID , nft , collection_address)
console .log (mintTx)
main ()
sourceFileUploadId : upload Id of the file
nftObject : object following Opensea Metadata Standards
name : name of your NFT (required)
image : IPFS URL of your file (required)
description : description of your NFT
external_url : viewable link on Opensea UI
attributes : array of attribute objects you wish to show on Opensea
collectionAddress: collection address to mint to
recipient: who will receive the NFT
quanity: how many NFT to mint, (ERC-1155) default is 1.
Returns the response from the /mint/info
Copy {
status : 'success' ,
data : {
id : 1962 ,
source_file_upload_id : 151305 ,
nft_tx_hash : '0xab655f394f6f07bc292015fa094e4de536c8059b48cc2c8743644103245805b8' ,
mint_address : '0x511765576a051a2ce002e70fc73d71d787d3378e' ,
nft_collection_id : 7 ,
token_id : 147 ,
name : 'test NFT' ,
description : '' ,
create_at : 1677269767 ,
update_at : 1677269767
List Files
View your uploaded files
getUploads(walletAddress, payloadCid, fileName, orderBy, isAscend, status, isMinted, pageNumber, pageSize)
The following code example lists a user's uploaded files. The list can be searched by file name, and also be filtered or sorted.
Copy require ( 'dotenv' ) .config ()
const { mcsSDK } = require ( 'js-mcs-sdk' )
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) // used to read files
async function main () {
const FILE_NAME = ''
const ORDER_BY = ''
const IS_ASCEND = ''
const STATUS = ''
const IS_MINTED = ''
const PAGE_NUMBER = 1
const PAGE_SIZE = 10
const mcs = await mcsSDK .initialize ({
privateKey : process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ,
accessToken : process . env . ACCESS_TOKEN ,
apiKey : process . env . API_KEY ,
const uploads = await mcs .getUploads ({
address : mcs .publicKey ,
name : FILE_NAME ,
orderBy : ORDER_BY ,
isAscend : IS_ASCEND ,
status : STATUS ,
isMinted : IS_MINTED ,
pageNumber : PAGE_NUMBER ,
pageSize : PAGE_SIZE ,
console .log ( uploads . data .source_file_upload)
main ()
walletAddress : lists the files uploaded by this account (required)
fileName : filter by this file name
orderBy : sort the list by file name, file size, or upload time (default)
isAscend : y for ascending list, otherwise descend (default)
status : Pending, Processing, Refundable, Refunded, Success or other
isMinted : y, n, all (default)
pageNumber : page number (default 1)
pageSize : number of results in a page (default 10)
Only the walletAddress parameter is required, the rest are optional.
Returns an array containing some details of the file(s).
Copy [
source_file_upload_id : < ID >,
car_file_id: < ID >,
file_name: < FILE_NAME >,
file_size: < FILE_SIZE >,
upload_at: < TIME >,
duration: 525,
ipfs_url: <'https://ipfs.multichain.storage/ipfs/Qm...'>,
pin_status: 'Pinned',
payload_cid: <'bafy...'>,
w_cid: < UNIQUE_CID >,
status: 'Processing',
deal_success: < BOOLEAN >,
is_minted: < BOOLEAN >,
token_id: < ID >,
mint_address: '0x1A1e5AC88C493e0608C84c60b7bb5f04D9cF50B3',
nft_tx_hash: <'0x...'>,
offline_deal: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
}, ...